It promises quality easy video making. And while it is easy, and free, Before the video starts there's a big thing that says "Made using Ezvid. Why do recording software's always do that crap? If you don't buy the dang thing, it either limits the video time by a crap ton, or has subtle notifications on the side of the video showing the software's name. Also you have to use Ezvids crappy music. Just don't but it. 
hey how's it goin' guys I normally talk about video games, but this time I'm telling you about my dads diplomacy club. If you love diplomacy, become a member or just find an open game. Here's the link to the website:
Hey guys, I am removing the retro section because I never get anything done in it, and it's kind of a waste of time. Maybe I'll revisit it at some point.
Get ready for The Elder Scrolls Morrowind review in the retro section
Seriously tell your friends. And tell them to tell there friends. DO IT!!! Or he'll get you....

Well if so, tell your friends about it, tweet it!!! FACEBOOK IT!!!!!! I know you like it.............
Check out an awesome website called: Its a great website! CHECK IT OUT!!!!!
Who is the scariest video game enemy of all time( in your opinion)?
Hey guys! Well my site is pretty lame right now. But I PROMISE more reviews and stuff by at least the end of Christmas! I thank you for your patience.